We investigate whether peer effects at work differ by gender and whether gender differences in peer effects -if any- depend on work organization. We develop a social network model with gender heterogeneity that we test in a real-effort laboratory experiment. We compare sequential networks in which information flows from peers to the worker and simultaneous networks where it disseminates bi-directionally. We identify strong gender differences as females disregard their peers’ performance in simultaneous networks, while males are influenced by peers in both networks. Females may perceive the environment in simultaneous networks as being more competitive than in sequential networks.
Julie Beugnot : CRESE EA3190, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, F-25000 Besançon, France
Bernard Fortin : Department of economics, Université Laval, CRREP and CIRANO, Canada
Guy Lacroix : Department of economics, Université Laval, CRREP, IZA and CIRANO, Canada
Marie Claire Villeval : Université de Lyon, France; CNRS, GATE Lyon St Etienne, France; IZA, Department of Public Finance, University of Innsbruck